G.O.A.T = Greatest Of All Time
Special Limited offer! $375.00 plus shipping and handling The Goat….Greatest Of All Time! This project is based off an old Maynard mouthpiece from about 60 years ago, many of you have probably run across copies done by most mouthpiece makers. This mouthpiece was made to match those 60+ year old trumpets and not the modern-day improved trumpets. GR’s Goat mouthpieces are not copies. GR took certain parameters, cleaned up the math, solving the soundwave equation with the GR mouthpiece design program and produced 3 version of that Maynard mouthpiece. Goal was to have the Maynard rim feel, v.1 a similar blow to the original, v.2 improved math for current day horns, and v.3 new technology to allow for the player with more lip engagement. These models were improved for the vast demands of trumpet players today.